Getting Closer..

In preparing for my journey, I have gone through a lot of “things”. The other day it was pictures, and then I found a box of my varied writings from years gone by. I found one I had written about my brother in 1995. I would like to share that with you in honor of him. He died that year.  He would have loved my adventure…he and I had talked about packing by horseback into Wyoming, but it never happened.

It’s simply titled “My Brother”

He’s my big brother. No, we aren’t kids anymore. We grew up long ago. As a matter of fact, we both have children of our own, and grandchildren. But you know, he’ll always be my “big brother”.

I wish we could be kids again..just for a while

When we were kids, he teased me a lot. He had a special way about him that allowed him to con me into doing things for him, mostly things he just didn’t want to do himself. Of course I usually did them just because I loved him a whole lot, but I never would have told him that. He was my hero. He believed in me, and stood up for me when no one else would. I thought he was the most handsome, “neatest” guy in the to Dad. As kids, he never told me he loved me either, but I knew.

I wish we could be kids again..just for a while

He has cancer now, and he is suffering a lot. I feel like I should be his big sister now, like I should be the strong one. But it’s hard, I’d still like to be the “little sister”. I wish he could put his arms around me, hug me real tight, and tell me again that everything will be alright. I wish it could be alright again..

I wish we could be kids again..just for a while

But then, maybe being kids again wouldn’t be so great. As adults, we learned to say “I love you” to each other. I hope and pray that he really knows how much I love him..and knows that given the choice, I would not have chosen anyone else to be my “big brother”

8 thoughts on “Getting Closer..

      1. Thank you for sharing that story Pat….beautiful. I had no brothers, or sisters either, so I can only imagine the love, the comradery, and then the pain you felt…still feel.
        We are so blessed to be able to live our dreams. I don’t really understand, but I’m thankful.





  1. Micky, thank you so much for your kind words about my story. Yes, we are truly blessed…though I don’t “understand” either. My experiences to get to this point weren’t especially pleasant,but that is in the past, and I feel like I’m on the brink of the greatest discovery of my life! I’m both honored and extremely pleased to have you follow my journey. I’ll try to keep it interesting, if I ever get this blogging figured out. 🙂 Want you to know that I enjoy your blog much more than the others I follow, because I feel that you are very “real” in all you share. Need to say I followed your advice to forget about names for my “home” and tow vehicle…and sure enough they came to me. They are to be Freespirit2 and Easy Rider!


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